A fifth straight day of sun and the fields were dry enough for cultivation, one of my absolute favorite sports. The implement of choice, a Lilliston Rolling Cultivator, hitches to the tractor.
This tool is a very thorough and precise weeder that allows soil to be moved laterally so a heavy cut will hill the potatoes, a delicate cut will trickle soil around squash seedlings. The Lilliston saves dozens of hours of hand work.
Thirty-five years ago we purchased one of these new at a price that, to my thrifty Yankee father-in-law, seemed too steep.
Upon its delivery, we set it up and I fine-tuned it as Gary made practice passes through the strawberry field. "Not bad," he said after a second row was done.
"That looks damned good," he allowed a few rows later.
I watched him finish out the field, figuring I'd have my chance tomorrow.
Came the dawn, out to the tractor shed at 5:30 and no cultivator to be seen.