July 29 - It looks to be a banner year for green peppers. The first picking today yielded 420 pounds, about 18 bushels. Another 4 bushels of green and yellow beans were harvested by participants in the VT Youth Conservation Corps. All the produce will be passed out through the VYCC's health share program.
The VYCC has been instrumental in our success this year, providing reliable help with weeding and harvest. Thanks so much !!
July 22 - Vermont Youth Conservation Corps members harvested 75 pounds of green beans and 300 of cabbage Monday morning, 7/22/19. The vegetables are passed out to hospitals across Vermont for patients with nutritional issues. This harvest represents a trickle of what's to come!
July 19 -Harvest season kicked off yesterday with members of the VT Youth Conservation Corps picking over 100 pounds of green beans for distribution through their health share program, a joint effort with over a dozen Vermont hospitals.
The VYCC participation allows us to concentrate on growing and has allowed our expansion to over four acres of produce. New potatoes are sizing up, 1600 pepper plants are loving the heat and setting multiple fruits, winter squash is blooming strongly and the first cutting in the 8000 cabbage plants will start next week.
Keeping the show ongoing takes a lot of energy and support. We are ready to disc in and then replant three acres of buckwheat, soil building organic matter for 2020 crops. Organic spray materials for potato beetle control were replenished last week. The fuel tank needs a refill. Whatever help you could provide goes directly to the project.
We are a not-for-profit with no salaries or benefits. Please help us move forward this project that last year provided nearly 100,000 servings of organic vegetables to Vermonters in need.
July 15 - Thanks to the volunteers from Vermont Life insurance who came to the farm today and weeded squash and cabbage. The crops were in need and look so much better this afternoon than this morning. Their assistance makes the entire project so much more manageable and removes the pressure of knowing weedy fields have to be attended.